Upside/Downside - poor profits and cash flow got you down?

Family startup, episode 2 - Business Model

Matt Cooley Season 6 Episode 2

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Upside/Downside is a podcast about value creation and the strategies finance and business leaders can use to grow profits and cash flow.  I'm your host, Matt Cooley.

In this episode, we continue our series about starting the family side hustle,, and focus on the business model for our Lab Experience.  We envision a constant balancing between supplier portfolio and customer needs and foresee an evolving business model with lots of potential upsides and downsides.  Where will all these variables lead us?

Thank you for listening and please tell your friends about Upside/Downside - a podcast about value creation.

If your organization needs customized assistance, I may be able to help. All revenues after taxes earned from consulting engagements are donated to registered charities working on challenges in the United States. See my host page for more details.

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